Page name: young writer [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-04-27 20:18:09
Last author: Rove
Owner: Rove
# of watchers: 9
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WELCOME To Young Writer

Owned by:[Rove]


I havent updated in ages XD lol so nothing is reall new... im sorry im never on any more...-.- Sorry Sorry Sorry...oh also has any one here gotten on writersco? im on there as NeverMore ^^ hope to see you guys there im planning on making this wiki over there WOot ^^

Young Writer banners: to add or get a banner

Young Writer members: to join

R Zone R rated for curseing and stuff

Story Quotes

  Hello and wellcome to young writer. Founded for those who like to write (duh). Even though it says young all are wellcome. This is a friendly for all ages wiki so please try not to curse in here...Thanks... I made the R rated wiki for a reason. Some things arent for childerns eyes.

  I've Made it so you can easyly become a member with out asking me to update anything but if some one messes with it will have to use passwords again.

1. NO curseing or sexuual content respectfull (and all that cr...stuff ^^;)

Last updated April 25,2006 8:37am EST
its my little brothers birthday his 14 now)

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2005-09-25 [Rove]: fun ^^

2005-09-25 [Case Open]: Yey then

2005-09-25 [Case Open]: Oooh, like what you've done to the page

2005-09-25 [Rove]: Thankys ^^ stil working on it some though im gonna make a page where you can curse and stuff lol ^^;;

2005-09-25 [Case Open]: That's good ^^

2005-09-25 [Case Open]: But how do you know that kids won't just go into that page too, just to see the swearwords?

2005-09-25 [Rove]: i dont know.... they schold be responsible... XDDDDDDDDDDDDD lol

2005-09-25 [Case Open]: Lol, but how many kids do you know that see "R Rated" And don't get curious XP

2005-09-25 [Rove]: sooooo.....-.- its there falt they have been told lol oh well i like to make pages to so thats added into that factor XD

2005-09-25 [Case Open]: Lol ^^ 

2005-09-25 [Chimes]: I am liking the wiki

2005-09-25 [Rove]: ^^

2005-09-25 [Chimes]: hehe

2005-09-25 [Rove]: woot i love the changes to this wiki *hugs computer*

2005-09-25 [Chimes]: you should make a welcome banner for the page...would be cool

2005-09-25 [Rove]: ok ^^

2005-09-25 [Chimes]: cooliosis

2005-09-25 [Rove]: *goes to paint*

2005-09-25 [Chimes]: yay

2005-09-25 [Rove]: ....this is harder than i though *cont. working*

2005-09-25 [Chimes]: Awwww

2005-09-25 [Rove]: what should i do for the wllcome thing even....

2005-09-25 [Chimes]: ..i dont know....some thing uber cool

2005-09-25 [Rove]: .....that helps*wishes for photo shop*

2005-09-25 [Chimes]: i have Photo Impression

2005-09-25 [Rove]: ....well i edited a pic in paint and it has nothing to do with our wiki really let me up load it hold on

2005-09-25 [Rove]: before i put it up what do you think <img:>

2005-09-25 [Chimes]: OOOO its cool

2005-09-25 [Rove]: really? i think it would work better in as just a banner more so that a wellcome thing....

2005-09-25 [Chimes]: it could be both

2005-09-25 [Rove]: well ill go ad it to the banners for now...

2005-09-25 [Chimes]: Okies

2005-09-25 [Rove]: we should have a contest for a wellcome banner XDD that be fun^^

2005-09-25 [Chimes]: YAhuh

2005-09-25 [Rove]: spet i have no idea how to go such a thing >.<

2005-09-25 [Chimes]: oh

2005-09-25 [Rove]: yeah im smart like that XD

2005-09-25 [Chimes]: aww

2005-09-25 [Rove]: ^^;;

2005-09-25 [Chimes]: ermm...erm...eeerrrrrrmmmm

2005-09-25 [Rove]: moo

2005-09-25 [Chimes]: hohum

2005-09-25 [Rove]: hello ^^

2005-09-25 [Chimes]:

2005-09-25 [Rove]: soooo..whats up?

2005-09-25 [Case Open]: Well it wouldn't really be that hard to do a contest would it? You could just post up what you've done on the page... and then we could pick a person to pick a winner!

2005-09-25 [Rove]: yeah.....ok.....ill get started on that... ^^

2005-09-25 [Case Open]: Lol, did that even make sense?

2005-09-25 [Rove]: to me it did 0.0

2005-09-26 [Case Open]: Lol, okay, I wasn't sure

2005-09-26 [Rove]: XD

2005-09-26 [Case Open]: I'm kinda *Waves finger in a circular motion over head*

2005-09-26 [Rove]: XDDD

2005-09-26 [Gliowien]: *lost*

2005-09-26 [Feasting on Needles]: o.o

2005-09-26 [Case Open]: Haha, I confused them, YES! I win

2005-09-26 [Gliowien]: lol

2005-09-26 [Case Open]: I'm weird, I'm sorry XP

2005-09-26 [Feasting on Needles]: Hhahhaa You are

2005-09-27 [Case Open]: Haha, thanks XD

2005-09-27 [Rove]: lol

2005-09-28 [Rove]: woot im almaost done with the story quote

2005-09-28 [Case Open]: Yey!!

2005-09-28 [Rove]: *claps* yeah......ive been doing everything in school XDDDD

2005-09-29 [Case Open]: Lol, well at least it's serving you some use XP

2005-09-29 [Rove]: i should be working on like 5 diffrent things right now

2005-09-29 [Case Open]: Well... we're ALWAYS suppose to be working on things in school... and we NEVER do... that's why it's called (DUN DUN DUN!) homework!!

2005-09-29 [Rove]: XDDDDD lol

2005-10-05 [Rove]: lol..........weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...^^; sorry hyper lol

2005-10-05 [Case Open]: Lol, hyperness rocks

2005-10-05 [Rove]: ^^

2005-10-24 [Ice Pheonix]: Could i join?

2005-10-24 [Rove]: yeah just go to the member page and add yourself ^^

2005-10-25 [Case Open]: Haha, Yey, new member

2005-10-25 [Rove]: =^^=

2005-10-25 [Case Open]: Oh, that's so cute

2005-10-25 [Rove]: lol ^^

2005-10-26 [Case Open]: :D

2005-10-26 [Rove]: woot..... sot sot sot.... i mean dot dot dot ^^;;;;

2005-10-26 [Case Open]: Haha

2005-10-27 [Rove]: yep ^^ *nod nod*

2005-10-27 [Case Open]: *Nods with you* What are we nodding about again?

2005-10-27 [Rove]: .> <.< >.> <.< you cant tell anyone but we are nodding about.................STuFf.....Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... >.> <.<

2005-10-27 [Child of God]: *whispers* can I nod with you?

2005-10-27 [Case Open]: *Looks suspitiously at you* Only if you're a GOOD nodder..

2005-10-28 [Child of God]: *NODS with experience*

2005-10-28 [Rove]: o.0 XDDDD lol

2005-10-28 [Case Open]: *NODS back with experiance too*

2005-10-29 [Feasting on Needles]: I PWN YOUR NODS WITH MY NODS! *nods*

2005-10-29 [Case Open]: Lol, okay

2005-10-31 [Rove]: *nods*

2005-11-01 [Case Open]: *Nods too* Wow, we're so stupid, lol

2005-11-01 [Rove]: yep XDDD *dies of laughter...and is nodding in the afterlife.*

2005-11-01 [Case Open]: LOL

2005-11-02 [Child of God]: ^-^' *pokes [Rove] and[Case Open]

2005-11-02 [Chimes]: *has been hiding in the corner all along* MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA

2005-11-02 [Child of God]: Gack!! *accidently throws pie at Tainted Innocent out of suprise*

2005-11-02 [Chimes]: EEEEEEEEEEE *squeaks and ducks*

2005-11-02 [Child of God]: *pies hits person behind Tainted Innocence* . . um . . .oops?? hehe *begins to run*

2005-11-02 [Chimes]: Heh heh heh *looks at person* have a nice day! *skedaddles*

2005-11-03 [Child of God]: *runs after . . . (did you change your name Innocent or am I loosing it?)* Hey wait up!!

2005-11-03 [Case Open]: Ooooh, this is getting interusting *Sits and watches in amusment*

2005-11-03 [Chimes]: (yes i changed my name) Hurry up!!! *being chased by a coconut weilding madman*

2005-11-03 [Case Open]: *Throws a banana at coconut weilding madman* Wait for her to catch up before you start chasing her! GOSH! MANNERS!

2005-11-03 [Chimes]: I AGREE

2005-11-05 [Case Open]: YEAH! *Throws another banana*

2005-11-05 [Chimes]: *keeps on running*

2005-11-05 [Case Open]: [Child of God] is totally not following you!!!

2005-11-05 [Chimes]: O_O oh dear

2005-11-05 [Child of God]: AHHH! *runs after them* I'M COMMING I'M COMMING!

2005-11-06 [Case Open]: Okay... NOW you can chase after them you coconut weilding madman!! *Throws another banana... just because*

2005-11-06 [Chimes]: *runs faster* *conconut weilding madman also runs faster*

2005-11-06 [Case Open]: *Throws another banana* SLOW DOWN! Gosh, I swear, either you never learned your manners... or you've never watched a horror movie!!! You always go SLOWER than the girl running INFRONT OF YOU..... HelllllOOOOOOO!!!!

2005-11-06 [Chimes]: Madman: Oh...ok *slows up*  .SWTWC.: AAAAHHHHHHHH *running still*

2005-11-06 [Feasting on Needles]: o.o

2005-11-07 [Case Open]: Hahahahaha

2005-11-07 [Rove]: lol

2005-11-07 [Child of God]: *pulls out Banana Bazooka 5000 and aims at madman* muhahahahahaha! Eat Banannas! *fires*

2005-11-07 [Feasting on Needles]: O_O

2005-11-07 [Rove]: XDDD

2005-11-07 [Chimes]: Madman: AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *screaming* THE HORROR THE HORROR   .SWTWC.: *giggles*

2005-11-07 [Feasting on Needles]: o.O what teh flip did I miss?

2005-11-07 [Rove]: ^^

2005-11-07 [Chimes]: A madman hates us *we were being creative* =^_^=

2005-11-07 [Child of God]: *points bananna bazooka at Lord Kashi* Join us or suffer the wrath of the bannanas!

2005-11-07 [Feasting on Needles]: *joins* Yeesh, And I thoght I was a LORD. =_=;;

2005-11-08 [Rove]: 0.o;;

2005-11-08 [Child of God]: 0.o???? I'm lost

2005-11-08 [Feasting on Needles]: Lords don't get guns pointed at them

2005-11-08 [Rove]: sooo....*points another banana bazooka at kashi*

2005-11-08 [Child of God]: *points bannana bazooka at Kashi as well* you were saying?

2005-11-08 [Rove]: *grins*

2005-11-08 [Feasting on Needles]: o,o FINE, I'M NOT A LORD, I'M NOT A LORD, YOU WIIIIN~

2005-11-08 [Rove]: *grins and shoots bananas at Kashi* attack!!!

2005-11-08 [Feasting on Needles]: AHHH, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I'll join youuuu, you can have my spoon pirate-army!

2005-11-08 [Rove]: 0.o

2005-11-08 [Feasting on Needles]: see, I even gave up my lordship. No killing meeeee @_@;;

2005-11-08 [Rove]: im not going to kill you just shoot at you with bananas ^^

2005-11-08 [Feasting on Needles]: ->_o- I dun wannna be bannanananaface!

2005-11-08 [Rove]: to bad *shoots banana's at ana(kashi)*

2005-11-09 [Child of God]: Hey! *points banana at everyone else and stands infront of Kashi* Kashi gave up and gave us the spoon army! Leave em alone now!

2005-11-09 [Gliowien]: ...spoons..?

2005-11-09 [Feasting on Needles]: o_____o we are pirate spoons. Ahr

2005-11-09 [Chimes]: *giggle*

2005-11-09 [Rove]: darn...-.-

2006-04-23 [Feasting on Needles]: o_O woah, dead wiki :D

2006-04-23 [Case Open]: haha

2006-04-23 [Chimes]: Yeah tis kinda dead isnt it

2006-04-23 [Case Open]: Well not anymore

2006-04-23 [Chimes]: Whey it lives

2006-04-23 [Case Open]: Yessssssssssss

2006-04-23 [Case Open]: We don't have any banners anymore, lol

2006-04-23 [Chimes]: we dont?

2006-04-23 [Case Open]: No, it says empty page :'(

2006-04-23 [Case Open]: Oh, yes we do! Ha, sorry

2006-04-23 [Chimes]: Tis ok

2006-04-23 [Feasting on Needles]: o_O

2006-04-24 [Feasting on Needles]: uh buh.

2006-04-24 [Feasting on Needles]: uh buh. Kaikai. where have you beeeeen?

2006-04-24 [Rove]: ...elftown is blocked at school and im always grounded...oh and what did we do in sciance today?

2006-04-24 [Feasting on Needles]: uh, nothin. I just meant why havent you been in science

2006-04-24 [Rove]: i left sick today and friday i had group...i skiped like half of my other classes on Friday though so XD

2006-04-24 [Feasting on Needles]: oh, I hope you feel better

2006-04-24 [Rove]: ...i cant talk -.-

2006-04-24 [Feasting on Needles]: o_o;;

2006-04-24 [Rove]: Kai has no voice and it is sad

2006-04-25 [Case Open]: Awwwwwwwww

2006-04-25 [Rove]: ...i stay home sick today ^^;; hahahaha im totaly faking most of it today....^^

2006-04-26 [Case Open]: LOL! I dunno, I think I should have stayed home, I didn't feel good today at all >.<

2006-04-26 [Rove]: yup...if im sick for a day i can pull it off for abou 2 days before she sends me back to scholl XD haha

2006-04-27 [Case Open]: Lol, I get 2 sick days a year with my Dad, and that's IT no matter if I'm sick or not, I go to school if I've used those 2 days up

2006-04-27 [Rove]: that sucks what if you had ebloa

2006-04-28 [Case Open]: Haha, well I cheated the system today, I got to stay home today

2006-04-28 [Case Open]: I dunno, I think maybe there'd be an acception, concidering I'd be dead anyways

2006-04-28 [Rove]: XD

2006-04-29 [Case Open]: Never go to concerts with huge mosh pits when you're sick

2006-04-29 [Feasting on Needles]: or you could stay out of the mosh pit...

2006-04-30 [Case Open]: That's the POINT of the concert though ^^

2006-04-30 [Rove]: .> XD ..i mean im sorry ^^;;;

2006-04-30 [Case Open]: it's okay

2006-04-30 [Feasting on Needles]: Generally, the point of a concert is for the music. If you went only for a mosh pit, you must listen to some shitty bands.

2006-04-30 [Chimes]: I agree with Feasting On Needles, the concert should be for the music.

2006-04-30 [Case Open]: Okay, hey... you don't have to gang up on me, I went to the Christian Concert because I loved the bands being played there too, but what's the point of just sitting in your seat when it's a rock concert.

2006-04-30 [Chimes]: Not ganging just voicing opinions =^_^= Completely different.

2006-04-30 [Feasting on Needles]: ...uh. Why are there mosh pits at christian rock concerts?

2006-05-01 [Case Open]: I have no clue, and to be honest, those mosh pits are the worst I've ever been in

2006-05-02 [Feasting on Needles]: so then why was it the point of going to this concert? You know, you're just contradicting yourself.

2006-05-02 [Case Open]: The point of me going to this concert? I have no clue, my best friend dragged me to it because she wanted to see "HAWK NELSON, OH MY GOD!!!!"

2006-05-02 [Feasting on Needles]: You're still contradicting yourself by saying you went to it for a mosh pit. You should have said that your friend took you to a concert and the music was poorly played, so you enjoyed yourself in the moshpit instead.

2006-05-03 [Case Open]: No, the music wasn't poorly played.

2006-05-03 [Rove]: ...

2006-05-03 [Case Open]: The music was good, just because somebody doesn't listen to a certain type of music doesn't mean that they don't like it if they've never heard it. Christian rock isn't much different from regular rock. What I was saying is, what's the point of going to a concert that has a mosh pit open, and then sitting in a chair, that's no fun at all. The point of the mosh pit is to get into the music

2006-05-03 [Feasting on Needles]: no, no it's really not. Look at your terrible taste in music, and then read all of your contradictions, and you just seem like a fool.

2006-05-04 [Case Open]: You know what, fuck you, you have no clue who I am, or what I do, who are you to say the music I like is terrible, I could insult you, but I don't, forget this, you need to rethink how you act

2006-06-05 [Rove]: ANE quit being a bitch to people -.-

2006-06-05 [Rove]: so any ways how has everyone been?

2006-08-30 [Rove]: wow no one all loved >.<

2006-08-30 [Child of God]: *hugs* I'm still here!

2006-08-30 [Chimes]: Me too

2006-08-31 [Rove]: YAY ^^...i havent been updating...and I wont till i get my grades up.....i is on at the library...oh what fun.... -.-

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